Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 19 - 23

Last week was very busy with our CBA's! We look forward to returning to our regular schedule this week! This week we will be practicing writing and identifying summaries using Beginning, Middle, and End. We will also review theme. This week we will have a Unit Test over characters, character traits, setting, plot, summary, and theme. 

This week we head to Kids, Kows, & More on Thursday. We will leave the school at 8:15 and be back by 2:30. Lunch is provided. 

Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

October 12 - 16

Wow! The weeks are just flying by! We are looking forward to a busy week! Monday - Wednesday we will have our CBA's, which are tests that will give us a good indication of where our students are in preparation for the STAAR test in the spring. We will be continuing work on summarizing using "Somebody Wanted But So Then". Ask your child what that means! On Wednesday we will begin learning about theme in relation to fictional text. We will work on theme for the remainer of the week.

Last week we had parent conferences and it was great to meet so many of you! Remember that it is so important for your child to read 20 minutes every night! They need to be reading a book that isn't too easy and isn't too hard for them. Reading with your student and discussing his/her books will help them get even more excited about reading!

Our classroom routines are beginning to become more familiar with the students. We are working on obeying the first time and showing kindness to others.

I look forward to another busy and exciting week! Just for your enjoyment, here is a picture of my sweet little one! He wishes he could come to school and learn to love reading like our Oak Grove 4th graders!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Classroom Schedule

Mrs. Donner follows Lucy Calkins curriculum model, which focuses on the Reader's Workshop. All Daily 5 elements are touched on in this format.

(10 minutes) Reading Logs
(20 minutes) Mini Lesson/Read Aloud
(20 minutes) Silent Reading/Guided Reading
(10 minutes) Share with a partner
(30 minutes) Word Work

Reading Logs: Studies show that students drastically improve their reading when they read often on their reading level. Students are expected and required to read 20 minutes at school and at least 20 minutes at home. They record their reading in their reading logs. I check reading logs everyday and we set and review our reading goals. Your student needs your support, time, and a quiet place at home to get their reading done. This is the only homework that I require, therefore I expect it to be done everyday. A football player can't improve if they never practice. The same goes for reading - to become better readers, our students need to practice! practice! practice!

Mini Lesson/Read Aloud: Students come to the carpet and I teach a lesson focused around one of the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills - Texas educational standards). I read a book out loud to them as part of the Mini Lesson. Students learn a concept that day, which is applied to our mentor text.

Silent Reading: Students read a book on their level and practice the concept of the day. Students record their findings in their reading notebooks. During this time, I pull small groups and work on the concept of the day with the small group.

Share with a partner: Students share and discuss what they've found with their partners and receive feedback.

Word Work: Students work on vocabulary during this time. The vocabulary words are based around basic root words. Students have a vocabulary test over these words about every 2 weeks.

Tests: Students are given unit tests based around the mini lesson content covered.

Units for the Year

Fiction I: character traits, setting, plot, theme
Fiction II: summary, inferencing/drawing conclusions, making predictions
Drama and Traditional Tales: drama structural elements, drama and story elements, drama and summary/inferencing, traditional tales and origin, traditional tales and theme
Recognizing Text Structure: sequence, problem/solution, compare/contrast, cause/effect, text features
Non-fiction I: graphic features, author's purpose, fact vs. opinion, autobiography/biography
Non-fiction II: topic, main idea, summary, supporting details
Poetry: figurative language, poetic structure, sensory language, imagery
Test Genre: test taking strategies and skills

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Hello! Welcome to Mrs. Donner's classroom blog! You will find information throughout the year on what is going on in my classroom!

As most of you know, I have been on maternity leave for the past 5 weeks. I am excited to jump into teaching again and get to know your child!

This week we will be doing reading level testing! Students completed the MAP test on Friday. Starting on Monday, students will be tested for their DRA level. This process has two parts - the first is how well your student can read the words and the second is how well they comprehend what they have read. They do this test one on one with me. With their MAP and DRA scores/levels, I will be able to clearly identify where your student is academically and where they need to go.

We are starting our Fiction I unit this week! We will be learning about character traits, setting, plot, and theme. We are finishing up Esperanza Rising and starting Wonder. 

"August (Auggie) Pullman was born with a facial difference that prevented him from going to a mainstream school - until now. He's about to enter fifth grade at Beecher Prep, and if you've ever been the new kid, then you know how hard that can be. The thing is Auggie's just an ordinary kid, with an extraordinary face. But can he convince his new classmates that he's just like them, despite appearances?"